

                                       < 圖為 周錦能 小姐  及  先生林聖傑 >


        感恩武財公及眾神的庇佑~分享我的神奇感應   文/周錦能 小姐        












  89日 上午1000,點上三炷香︰「仙祖!我來了,請問有什麼事嗎?要問誰?可以給我靈感嗎?」很巧,遇到指南宮濟世會的郭師兄,郭師兄具有神通能力,親切的請我們入坐,我跟郭師兄說明來意。郭師兄説:「沒錯,是仙祖找您們。」我馬上問:「我帶著小孩不方便拍攝與製作,可否不要再做了?」「這是您這一世的任務,如果現在就放棄,那只是曇花一現!」














「天極無極太極形 官形兩儀四象分 武分陰陽日月判  財判一三二四利  神利元亨貞德乾」

「天官三七二一好 官好民好大眾好 武好能入財錢得  財得無限之歡樂  神樂歌頌太平世」




幸運的,1215日 ,先生有一筆錢匯入;就在11月份,還連續夢到三次:「好好做事,過年前會準備一間房子給你們住」。我與先生討論:可能是我們沒有房子,想房子想瘋了吧!不敢多想,因為以當時的財力並無力購買,但我約略記得夢中房子的模樣及週邊環境。


  其實我們在9952日 ,才剛從1樓搬到2樓,家裏還有許多小東西未歸位,根本不可能再搬?就在12月底,公公整理好一間舊房子,原先要租人,但因為裝潢得舒適,捨不得租人,請我們優先考慮搬入;我與先生看了房子,我一眼就愛上了與夢境相似的房子,隨即搬入。


  這一路走來,遇到很多貴人, 莊安邦 先生總是不辭勞苦,常常天未亮即開車來載我們夫妻倆及小兒子前往各地拍攝、中華自然療法世界總會 總會長 歐陽瓊 女士、天成飯店 董事長 夫人  何素青 女士,二位對我們一家人甚至我們的父母親都特別照顧,也常贊助我們拍攝的車馬費、伙食費及各種攝影器材。







辛卯年農曆6月16日 專訪和美武德風元堂【服風德武財神】


專訪 大里武澤宮【主神武舜德武財神】武德十三天尊之一 ()

【台灣封神榜】 我們的用心,希望您「看」得到 ! 流灠人數突破666666



I have been hesitant to share? Is a coincidence or a miracle? Original Myth series in Taiwan (Peikang Takenori Palace) blog, only a simple photo and Luan Wen records, in June last year, July 31 and August 1 there will be blessed activities in the TSU environment chi , I decided to put great effort, shooting a complete record and share to all my friends.

Two days shooting is the sun shining brightly, the physical feel of a serious water shortage, although the site is also very many photographic master, but I still insist to shoot the whole. After returning home, single-minded rush to record PO Internet, first Zhuang brother shot the photo selection PO, then immediately began making splicing film.

At that time, summer, and we're relying on to take good care of his two sons (aged 7 and a half years old), I put the original work on hand, make a movie that began around the clock; 7:30 am, August 7 (f), the body feel tired decided to take a nap, then had a dream: the dream, walking in the neighborhood of the dike holding the youngest son, walked into the hillside of the National Chengchi University Guide Road, and suddenly a heavy rain, I thought you want to hurry back, or they will shower wet.

Looked back and guide Palace "red gold plaque, I saw a lot of people smiling at me, and I went Guide Palace, I declined the tasks need to go home to continue to completion, take a taxi down to the Guide Palace mountains should, I The body was not any money on! Up, I want to hurry home; I see you laugh even more powerful, I foolishly stand still. Suddenly heard: "I am Lv Xianzu, I observe that you do the temple shooting for a long time, it moved, I hope you have the time to guide Palace, things to account for the" wake up, I hesitated not because of lack of sleep and cranky, but I told my Mr. Chuang brother of.

I did not expect Zhuang brother the next day to the Chunan warm spiritual house to consult Chi Kung Master. "Master! Week and sisters did yesterday a dream" if not yet finished, I saw Master Pushan to the face of a cover, after about 10 seconds, said Made is cents ancestors looking for you! You tomorrow morning "to report for duty ! "

10:00 am, August 9 points on three stick of incense ︰ cents ancestors! Me, is there something wrong? Want to ask who? Can give me inspiration for you? "Very clever, encountered Guide Palace Tranquility will Guo brothers, Guo brothers with supernatural powers, ability, and kindly invited us into the sitting, I explained what he wanted with the Kwok brothers. Guo brothers said: "Yes, is cents ancestors to find you." I immediately asked: "I took my child is not convenient shooting and production, can not do it again?" "This is your task in this life, if we give up It was just a flash in the pan! "

Task? Why do I have such a task? Is it somewhere really arrangement? Really? I have always liked to see the temple around the environment, no matter how far, whenever they hear the drums and gongs sound, I must run first, anyway, the whole family like to watch. I would also like to take notes, all right! Order not to disappoint the expectations of the gods, a small woman to try to do it!

I am very impatient, I think, since to do, still young "do a Take a look at Can you take early retirement? So non-stop, as long as the task will then point to nose to the grindstone.

October 8, 11:00 am, our family of four are being the Mucha obedient Temple shooting, the son of Yu Cheng suddenly told me, "Mom, the morning I do a dream, dream you disappeared I find side to side to cry, suddenly a fairy to take me to find you, I went to a temple-like place, see a black beard, the gods grow very tall, and come out from the painting, my mother saw the gods immediately knelt down, The gods told me, my mother is not gone, my mother by the gods to do things, you know better, so that mothers can complete the task. "also said," Mom, the gods Songni a white robe in front of a very small tai chi graphic behind a lot of Tai Chi Graphics (Yu political home, the Tai Chi graphic paintings on paper).

I so love beautiful clothes to send me tai chi what to do? Will not send my nice clothes? Or realistic? My heart is full of doubts? It was later forgotten, but I still continue to shoot, parents and many of my friends often can not find me, I was not at home in the temple, and in order to keep the Internet the first time will Luan Wen PO, when the whole family will have to wait PO finished Luan Wen to go out and play, or on the outside must be rushed to get home PO file, almost every day, sits in front of the computer, feeling the day and Wu financial public from morning till evening.


December 4 at 2:30 pm, I came to the new store Baoqiao Fushou Palace, shooting to fill the treasury Prayer, suddenly looking at all of the Master, all dressed in yellow robes and behind there is a tai chi pattern Tai Chi "? I recall that his son had done the dream, tai chi in the end What is the meaning? The gods gave me? A series of question marks? I came home and get online search, looking for a long time, roughly know, small tai chi is a record of a person's good deeds, if a lot of merit that must be dense!

I am very touched, turned out differently I would like to, but the point is who gives? Mr. discuss the book, very grateful, but also very doubts? December 8 at 2:00 pm, but also specifically to the neighborhood of the the Mucha obedient Temple and swim aunt to discuss this matter and see if we can get clues; when I got home, even in the fax machine to see North Port Fortuna "came the phoenix text:

YORK Promise Tai Chi form the official form astrotech four images in the arms split by the sun and the moon sentenced fiscal sentenced to 3 24 Lee God Lee Yuanheng Joan of Arc dry "
Day official 3721 a good officer in the public good the public good weapons into the fiscal money get money get the infinite joy of Kagura praise of universal peace "
"Tai Chi!" This luan text to explain my problems? Could Tai Chi Wu fiscal public to? I quickly take it to share with her husband and parents, he still said with a smile: the third last sentence weapons well into the fiscal money to have, "" Will I? I once again recall Yu affairs do dream: the gods out from the painting, do not mean our house to hang "one hundred financial map" God? Wu Choi is really too much public, how do you know what I want?

Fortunately, December 15, Mr sum of money to import; in November, but also continuous dream three times: "good things over years ago, will prepare the house you live". I discussed with her husband: It may be we do not have a house to house like crazy! Not think, because at the time and financial resources and inability to purchase, but I remember the rough appearance of the dream house and the surrounding environment.

May 2, 1999, In ​​fact, we just moved from one floor to floor at home, there are many small things homing, impossible to move? At the end of December, the father has collated an old house, originally to rent, but because of the decorating too reluctant to rent, we give priority to move into; together with her husband saw the house, I am one fell in love with dream house, then moved into.

Along the way, meet a lot of elegant, Mr. Zhuang Anbang always worked tirelessly, often before day, that is, drive to set out our husband and wife and small son to go around shooting, president of the China Natural Therapy World Federation of Joan Ms. Ouyang, Tiancheng Hotel Directors The lady of Miss He Suqing two pairs of our family and even our parents have special care, often sponsoring shot traveling expenses, meals and a variety of photographic equipment.

During the shoot, I am often touched by many screen and feel the great force of the faith, a soul and the gods of the interaction, each shot produced the movie, my body and mind and washed once Although the obligations of work, but I get more Thanksgiving cherish life more.

Thank Wu fiscal public recognition and the blessing of the gods, thank you! I will work harder, and thanks a lot of friends enthusiasm quite similar, but thank the majority of the Friends of the support grid, and hope to have more good works can share with you, at the same time, really hope that more people will be able to respond together to do things , starting from the "heart"!

我的兩個兒子宇政與宏恩  兄弟倆的偶像竟是王彩樺  喜歡模仿保庇mv

小恩非常喜歡看廟會 還會模仿神明走路


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